Welcome to the ITIV

Geb. 30.10 KIT
ITIV Building 30.10

The Institut für Technik der Informationsverarbeitung (ITIV) is one of the seventeen laboratories of the Department of Electrical Engineering & Information Technology of the KIT.  

The institute concentrates - in research and teachings - on methods and computer aided tools for the design of electronic systems and microsystems.

The ITIV is managed in collegial responsibility by


Day of the Faculty 2024

On July 19, 2024, numerous Master's graduates and recent doctoral graduates celebrated their successful graduation with friends and family at the Faculty Day.

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Students on an excursion at IPG - research put into practice

As part of the course “Laboratory in Software Engineering (PSE)”, an excursion with 30 students to the company IPG in Karlsruhe took place on July 18, 2024.

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Congratulations on your doctoral examination

Oliver Wolf successfully defended his dissertation entitled "Multigranular optimization for heterogeneous multicore systems" as an external doctoral student of Prof. Becker.

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Congratulations on passing the doctoral examination

Fabian Kempf from Prof. Becker's doctoral team has successfully defended his dissertation on "An Adaptive Multi-Core Architecture for Runtime-Configurable Redundancy in Mixed-Criticality Systems".

We congratulate and wish him all the best for the future!


Successful participation at the ISVLSI 2024

The ISVLSI 2024 (IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI) took place from July 1st to July 3rd, 2024 at the Crowne Plaza in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, and was a great success.

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Lehrpreis2024Sandra Göttisheim
Teaching Award 2024 for outstanding teaching

Congratulations to Prof. Eric Sax, who was awarded the Teaching Prize 2024 for outstanding teaching by the students.

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The ETIT Master's degree course: Major field of study and specialization

At the specialization evening in the Audimax, Bachelor students were able to find out about the various specializations and final theses of the institutes in personal discussions, as they do every year.

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ITIV congratulates on the successful PhD defense

With his dissertation "Adaptive scenario selection for simulative testing of perception functions in automated driving", Johannes Bernhard has successfully completed his doctorate as an external doctoral student of Prof. Sax.


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YT Video
VHDL Crash Course: A Multimedia-Based Teaching Approach

Instructional videos and suitable online exercises on the ILIAS learning platform provide an insight into the use of VHDL.

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Summa cum laude for Johannes Pfau

The ITIV team congratulates Johannes on this fantastic milestone! Hard work and determination have led to this academic success with distinction.

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To the swimming lake with the almost driverless bus

"MDR Aktuell" asked Prof. Eric Sax for his expertise on the challenges of fully automated driving and the advantages of platooning. 

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Alumni TagITIV
ITIV Alumni Day 2024 - a joyous reunion

On June 14, 2024, ITIV issued an invitation - and the graduates of the Institute of Information Processing Technology came back to campus in large numbers.

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Prof. StorkITIV
Shaping data protection - Why the ability to innovate starts in the mind

Prof. Stork calls for a new mindset and creative data protection that improves healthcare in Germany.

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Lynn Conway
Lynn Conway (1938-2024) - An obituary

Lynn Conway, a visionary in the field of digital computing, a pioneer in the field of chip design in microelectronics and a fierce advocate for the rights and dignity of LGBTQ-T people around the world, passed away on June 9, 2024 at the age of 86.

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Promotion Florian SchadeITIV
Congratulations, Florian Schade!

ITIV congratulates Florian Schade from Prof. Becker's team on passing his doctoral examination with the distinction magna cum laude.

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