The Bachelor's programme begins with basic modules, which are compulsory for all students. Building on this, the student chooses electives for the profiling subject and interdisciplinary qualifications.
Basic information on the structure of the Bachelor's programme and the options for choosing a profiling subject can be found in the Faculty's Bachelor's Module Handbook. Examination regulations and further information can also be found on the faculty homepage.
Compulsory courses

Informationstechnik I
IT Praktikum
Practical course
IT II und Automatisierungs-

Labor Schaltungsdesign
Practical course
Labor für angewandte Machine Learning Algorithmen (LAMA)
Practical course
Seminar: Grundlagen eingebetteter Systeme
SeminarResearch Internship
The research internship is designed to give Bachelor students interested in research an insight into project- and team-oriented scientific research activities. The assessment of success consists of a written internship report and a short presentation.
The research internship at ITIV offers an exciting insight into various ongoing projects, the topics offered are continuously updated: Topics Research Internship at ITIV.
If you are interested in a research internship with us, please send us an email to forschungspraktikum∂
In the Master's degree program in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, ITIV offers the Systems Engineering specialization and is involved in the two inter-institute specializations Optical Technologies and System-on-Chip.

Student advisory services
If you have any questions about the specialization Systems Engineering, the inter-institute specializations Optical Technologies and System-on-Chip, about lectures and courses offered by the institute, about as well as about the other specializations offered by the institute in Bachelor and Master programs, please contact the study advisors of the institute(studienberatung∂
General questions about the specialization Systems Engineering and the specialization System-on-Chip:
Daniel Baumann, M. Sc.
Christian Maximilian Karle, M. Sc.
Marc Neu, M. Sc.
General questions about the specialization Optical Technologies: Wilhelm Stork, Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
Frequently asked questions and further contact points
- A description of all ETIT courses with ECTS, rules for the registration of the master thesis and further information about the course of studies can be found in the module handbook.
- The applicable rules regarding examinations, theses, grading, etc. can be found in the respective study and examination regulations: Bachelor's examination regulations or Master's examination regulations.
- Possible interdisciplinary qualifications can be found at Forum, HoC or the Language Center, among others.
- For all questions regarding Erasmus, please first follow the information provided by the Erasmus coordinators of the ETIT faculty. In particular, use the template for the Learning Agreement for Outgoing Students from this page.
- For questions concerning formalities regarding the certificate or the study program, such as extensions of the duration of studies, please contact the BPA (Bachelor) or the MPA (Master) secretariat.
- You can also find a list of other contact points regarding the Electrical Engineering program on the ETIT Faculty website.
- For study-related or personal problems, you can find support and counseling services at the Psychotherapeutic Counseling Center of the Studierendenwerk.