Congratulations to Prof. Eric Sax, who was awarded the Teaching Prize 2024 for outstanding teaching by the students.
Read more here
Xiang Xie has been honoured with the NAMUR Award for his dissertation entitled "Artificial Intelligence for spectral analysis: a comprehensive framework", which was awarded "summa cum laude". In his thesis, he developed a "pioneering framework for spectral analysis based on neural networks", as Dr Dorothea Pantförder from the Technical University of Munich said in her laudatory speech.
NAMUR, the "Interessengemeinschaft Automatisierungstechnik der Prozessindustrie e.V.", is an international association of user companies. The prize for the best dissertation is endowed with €3,000. A further €5,000 (doctoral thesis) goes to the supervising chairs.
Link to the press release
UNIPRENEURS, the initiative to strengthen spin-offs from universities in Germany, awarded 20 outstanding professors.
The award ceremony was held yesterday by Federal Minister of Education and Research Bettina Stark-Watzinger and Dr. Anna Christmann, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Startups at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, at the Allianz Forum at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.
The co-founder of one of Prof. Stork's current startups, Dr. Simon Stock (Metis Neurotec), accepted the award on his behalf. Congratulations!

The FPGA Ignite Summer School 2023 took place in Heidelberg from July 31 to August 04. The Summer School series brings together young researchers in the field of hardware design for reconfigurable computing with FPGAs.
During a hackathon on the last day, Iris Fürst-Walter from Prof. Becker's team and two other students from Heidelberg University won the Best Design Award for the integration of a CPU in the "Multi-Project Die".
In this project a chip was designed and mini-projects were realized in small groups. An FPGA fabric was provided centrally, to which further functionalities were integrated. The criteria for the award were creativity and progress/maturity of the design. Congratulations!

At the 1st IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COGNITIVE MOBILITY in Budapest, the ITIV team around Prof. Eric Sax with Marc Schindewolf, Daniel Grimm and Christian Lingor could impress the audience with the paper "Toward a Resilient Automotive Service-Oriented Architecture by using Dynamic Orchestration" and win the Best Paper Award. Congratulations!
Link to the Paper
For his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of efficient design of dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems, especially in the area of safety-critical applications, Professor Jürgen Becker has been awarded the Robert Piloty Prize 2022 of the TU Darmstadt by the President Prof. Dr. Tanja Brühl on July 08, 2022. The honor, which the TU awards biennially to 2 laureates for outstanding achievements in computer science, electrical engineering and information technology as well as applied mathematics, is endowed with a total of 10,000 euros and a medal.

We congratulate Florian Schade, Christian Maximilian Karle and Iris Walter (from left to right) for this year's KIT Faculty Teaching Award (Electrical Engineering and Information Technology).
At yesterday's annual celebration in the Audimax, Prof. Wanner (right) presented them with the certificates as an award for the outstanding course "Laboratory Circuit Design", which will start again in the next winter semester.
Link to the video on Youtube
For their paper "Hardware-aware Partitioning of Convolutional Neural Network Inference for Embedded AI Applications" Fabian Kreß, Julian Höfer, Tim Hotfilter, Iris Walter, Vladimir Sidorenko, Tanja Harbaum, and Jürgen Becker received the Runner up Award at the 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS) held in Marina Del Rey, LA, California, USA from May 30 to June 1, 2022.
The TEMPUS funding project on automated driving in Munich, in which ITIV is also involved with Prof. Sax's working group, has won the "Innovationspreis Reallabore" of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection.
The TEMPUS funding project started in January 2021 with a duration of 30 months and deals with how automated and connected driving will change the future of our mobility, how the advantages of this technology can be used in an urban and environmentally friendly way, how the safety of all road users can be increased and how risks for the environment and traffic flow can be avoided.
The Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften recognizes and promotes excellent scientific work with its annual award ceremony. The Ecology Prize of the Viktor & Sigrid Dulger Foundation is intended to promote scientific work in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering that deals with environmental problems and their solutions.
In 2022, the prize will go to Dr.-Ing. Gabriela Molinar, former doctoral student of Prof. Stork, whose work "Machine Learning Tool for Transmission Capacity Forecasting of Overhead Lines based on Distributed Weather Data" makes an important contribution to power load forecasting using artificial intelligence as an optimization method for grid operation and for supporting the energy transition in Germany.

The Soroptimist Club Karlsruhe honoured Dr Gabriela Molinar with the Erna Scheffler Award for her excellent scientific achievements at a festive award ceremony on 15 October 2021 at the Federal Constitutional Court.
Gabriela Molinar received the prize for her work "Machine Learning Tool for Transmission Capacity Forecasting of Overhead Lines based on Distributed Weather Data", which she wrote at the Institute of Information Processing Technology (ITIV). In it, she presents a system that enables increased power transmission and optimises the current carrying capacity of overhead lines. The basis for this is the use of so-called overhead line monitoring (FLM) and artificial intelligence (AI), which can support the transmission of wind power from the north of Germany to the south.
The laudatory speech was held by Prof Dr rer. nat. Wilhelm Stork.
KIT Presseinformation 087/2021: Erna-Scheffler-Förderpreis
The automated, driverless, electric vehicle concept of the U-Shift project, in which ITIV (Prof Sax group) is involved, was honoured with the German Innovation Award (https://www.german-innovation-award.de/preistraeger/preis/gewinner/u-shift/) in the Excellence in Business to Business Automotive Technologies category. The special feature here is the semi-trailer changing principle in the form of a capsule, which allows the transport of people and goods as required. ITIV is responsible for designing the electrical/electronic architecture of this highly innovative vehicle.
German Innovation Award Winner '21 U-Shift
For their paper "Time Series Segmentation for Driving Scenario Detection with Fully Convolutional Networks" Philip Elspas (externer Doktorand von Prof. Sax), Yannick Klose, Simon Isele, Johannes Bach und Eric Sax received the Best Industrial Paper Award of the 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS).
VEHITS took place online from 28-30 April 2021.
The aim of the Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems Conference is to bring together engineers, researchers and practitioners who can exchange ideas in the fields of vehicle technology and intelligent transport systems.
In the practical AI course "Laboratory for Applied Machine Learning Algorithms (LAMA)", the practical handling of common algorithms and methods of machine learning is taught in a project-based and hands-on manner. Students will implement algorithms and structures independently and at the same time learn the methods and tools commonly used in business and science today.
Daniel Grimm, Tim Hotfilter, Gabriela Molinar, Marco Stang and Simon Claus Stock received the ETIT 2020 Faculty Teaching Award for their work in "LAMA".
Congratulations from ITIV!

The largest and most important international automotive congress for manufacturers, suppliers and their partners, ELIV (Electronics In Vehicles), took place in Bonn from 16-17 October 2019. Prof Sax and some colleagues from ITIV were there and presented current research results. Our research associate Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. M. Sc. Raphael Pfeffer won the Auto Electronic Excellence Award for his presentation "Potential of training neural networks using virtual environments" - congratulations!
Foto: Kollegen des ITIV am Laufband-Exponat
Auto Electronic Excellence Award für Raphael PfefferFor their paper "Model-Based Resource Analysis and Synthesis of Service-Oriented Automotive Software Architectures", Philipp Obergfell, Stefan Kugele and Eric Sax received a Best Paper Award in the Practice and Innovation Track of the IEEE / ACM 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), which took place in Munich from 15 to 20 September 2019.
Best Paper Award der MODELS Conference 2019
In April 2019, Christos Klamouris, Kai Worms, Frans Wegh, Juerg Leuthold and Wilhelm Stork received a paper award at the 1st Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT2019), which took place from 23 to 25 April 2019 in Yokohama, Japan, for their paper "Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades Using Optically Powered Sensors".
to OWPT2019: https://owpt.opicon.jp/
Paper Award OWPT2019
Our research assistant M. Sc. Daniel Grimm from Prof Sax's group has been awarded the Ernst Blickle Study Prize 2018 for his master's thesis "Static and dynamic anomaly detection in Ethernet-based communication". The SEW-EURODRIVE Foundation honours outstanding work by young academics with the annual study prize in order to appropriately recognise their special achievements.
We congratulate Daniel Grimm on this award!

The ITIV spin-off emmtrix Technologies GmbH has been nominated for the Embedded Award 2018 in the "Tools" category, which is presented as part of the Embedded World trade fair, one of the most important international trade fairs in the embedded sector.The award recognises particularly innovative, unique and future-oriented products.
Embedded World will take place this year from 27 February to 1 March 2018 in Nuremberg. You will find the emmtrix Technologies GmbH stand in hall 4A, stand number: 637e.
Nominierungsurkunde für den Embedded Award 2018For their paper "A Reconfigurable High-speed Spiral FIR Filter Architecture" Shalina Percy Delicia Figuli, Peter Figuli and Jürgen Becker received the Best Paper Award of the 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) in July 2017 in Barcelona, Spain.
Best Paper Award TSP 2017
For their paper "Test scenario selection for system-level verification and validation of geolocation-dependent automotive control systems" Johannes Bach, Jacob Langner, Stefan Otten, Marc Holzapfel und Eric Sax received the Best Paper Award of the 23rd ICE/ ITMC Konferenz in June 2017 in Madeira Island, Portugal.
Best Paper Award ICE/ ITMC 27.-29.06.2017
The Spin-off emmtrix Technologies initiated by Prof Becker, was named Founder of the Month by the KIT Gründungsschmiede in January 2017. emmtrix Technologies offers innovative software solutions for embedded single-core and heterogeneous multi-core systems with the emmtrix Code Generator (eCG) and the emmtrix Parallel Studio (ePS). Support for MATLAB and Scilab environments enables integration into existing software development processes. This means that the two tools can be used, for example, in the development of automatic parking aids and autonomous driving systems.
zum Interview von emmtrix Technologies mit der KIT GründerschmiedeThe Charles Kao Award 2015 of the IEEE Communication Society received David Hillerkuss et al. for the paper “Single-laser 32.5 Tbit/s Nyquist WDM Transmission”, Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Volume 4, No. 10, October 2012, pp. 715-723. Prof. Jürgen Becker is co-author.
Charles Kao Award 2015
The CyberChampions Award takes place once a year and addresses young companies in the IT and high-tech industry.
At this year’s award ceremony the founding team of emmtrix Technologies GmbH was awarded with the 2nd place.
press release Cyberforum (https://www.cyberforum.de/newsroom/detail/news/cyberchampions-awards-2016-verliehen/)
Introduction video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OY4c2yCmRN0)
press release emmtrix
Parliamentary State Secretary Stefan Müller honoured the ten winning projects of the "Light Cares" competition at FabLab Berlin on Wednesday, 24 August 2016. By using photonic tools, they help people with disabilities to be independent. The FZI project LiDARsee is one of the winners.
Prof Dr Wilhelm Stork, FZI Director, and Alexandra Backof, research assistant, accepted the certificate on behalf of the FZI.

For their paper "Ranging Errors in UWB Networks and Their Detectability" Frank Hartmann, Christian Enders und Wilhelm Stork received the Best Paper Award of the 39. international conference TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING in Vienna, in June 2016.

Das Global Online Laboratory Consortium (GOLC) hat die Online-Simulationsumgebung „TivSeg Simulator“ mit dem diesjährigen GOLC Award in der Kategorie „Simulated Experiment“ ausgezeichnet. Die offizielle Bekanntgabe fand am 25.02.2016 im Rahmen der internationalen Konferenz „Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation“ (REV) 2016 in Madrid statt.
Weitere Informationen

For their poster "Evaluation of Analog and Digital Signal Processing on PSoC Architecture with DCT as Use Case" Stephan Werner, Bernhard Stiehle and Jürgen Becker received the Best Poster Award at the DASIP in Poland, which took place from the 23.-25. September 2015.
Best Poster Award DASIP 2015Nur ein kurzes Ziehen am Auslöser – und schon verwandelt sich ein zusammengefalteter Kunststoffschlauch blitzschnell in eine aufblasbare Rettungsboje. Dafür erhält die von Prof. Stork unterstützte Ausgründung RESTUBE GmbH den Deutschen Gründerpreis 2015 in der Kategorie StartUp.

FZI/ITIV-Ausgründung easierLife erhält auf der Cebit 2015 beim Gründerwettbewerb IKT Innovativ des BMWi einen Preis für Innovation zum sicheren Wohnen im Alter
zur PressemeldungDie Veröffentlichung "Prediction of temperature and damage in an irradiated human eye - Utilization of a detailed computer model which includes a vectorial blood stream in the choroid" von N. Heussner, L. Holl, T. Nowak, T. Beuth, M. Spitzer, W. Stork ist zu den besten 10% der Veröffentlichungen 2014 des Journals "Computers in Biology and Medicine" gewählt worden
http://dx.doi:10.1016/j.compbiomed.2015.04.004Dipl-Phys. Thorsten Beuth hat als Mitglied des institutsübergreifenden Teams der Akademischen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des "Workshops Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik" den Fakultätslehrpreis bekommen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Für ihr Paper "The Road to “ITIV Labs” – an Integrated Concept for Project-Oriented Systems Engineering Education" haben Thorsten Beuth, Tobias Gaedeke, Carsten Tradowsky, Jens Becker, Alexander Klimm und Oliver Sander den Best Paper of the Session Award des Committees der ICMEI 2014 in Paris erhalten.
Best Paper Award
Frank Hartmann, Tobias Gädeke, Patrick Leibold, Lukasz Niestoruk und Wilhelm Stork haben für ihr Paper "Navigation for Occupational Safety in Harsh Industrial Environments" das Best Paper Certificate auf der European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (SMART-SysTech 2014) erhalten.
Best Paper Certificate
Jan Heisswolf, Aurang Zaib, Andreas Zwinkau, Sebastian Kobbe, Andreas Weichslgartner, Jürgen Teich, Jörg Henkel, Gregor Snelting, Andreas Herkersdorf und Jürgen Becker haben für ihr Paper "CAP: Communication Aware Programming" auf der Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2014 den HiPEAC Paper Award vom European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation erhalten.
HiPEAC Paper Award
Tobias Gaedeke, Frank Hartmann, Lukasz Niestoruk, M. Reinhardt und Wilhelm Stork haben für ihr Paper "Real-time Environmental Emission Monitoring on Construction Sites" auf der 6th European Embedded Design in Education and Research Conference (EDERC) 2014 einen Preis erhalten.
Best Conference Presentation Price EDERC 2014Am 23. Mai 2013 verlieh die TU Budapest Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Becker in einer feierlichen Zeremonie die Ehrendoktorwürde in Anerkennung seiner internationalen wissenschaftlichen Leistungen im Bereich der Eingebetteten Systeme.

For their paper "LISPARC: Using an Architecture Description Language Approach for Modelling an Adaptive Processor Microarchitecture" Carsten Tradowsky, Florian Thoma, Michael Hübner und Jürgen Becker received the Best-in-Progress Paper Award.
Best Work-in-Progress Paper Award
We congratulate Markus Völker, Johannes Schmid, Tobias Gädeke, Klaus D. Müller-Glaser und Dorothea Wagner on the Best Paper Award for their paper "Force-Directed Tracking in Wireless Networks using Signal Strength and Step Recognition" at the International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS), Starnberg, 2012.
Best Paper Award ICL-GNSS 2012