Seminar Eingebettete Systeme


siehe Instituts-Aushang, Geb. 30.10, Raum 339

Seminar: Embedded systems

Technological developments in recent years have rapidly increased the importance of embedded systems. Electronic systems and microsystems are omnipresent and highly interconnected, so much so that we are already talking about the "Internet of Things" and "Cyber Physical Systems". The challenges facing developers of embedded systems have become much more complex. They span the use of different system architectures and target platforms such as microcontrollers, DSPs, ASICs and FPGAs. Network technologies and the integration into a functioning system, the mapping and partitioning of functionalities on such heterogeneous systems are another important aspect.

As part of the seminar, students practise writing studies on defined and interdisciplinary topics from the field of embedded systems and microsystems or optical systems. The students give each other feedback within the framework of a peer review and thus experience a part of the scientific publication process. At the end of the seminar, a written paper of approx. 6 pages is submitted in the form of an "extended abstract" in IEEE paper format and the results are presented in an approx. 15-minute talk in the plenary session.

The ability to carry out such tasks is expected of an engineer today. The seminar teaches the procedures for an independent and targeted familiarization, analysis, summary and didactically effective presentation of a current application and research-specific contribution, which is also frequently required in an industrial environment.

A selection of topics arising from current research projects at ITIV will be presented in the preliminary discussion of the seminar.