Projektmanagement in der Entwicklung von Produkten für sicherheitskritische Anwendungen

  • Type: Block-Vorlesung (BV)
  • Chair: KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
  • Semester: WS 24/25
  • Time: wöchentlich donnerstags 14:00 - 15:30 Uhr
    ab dem 24.10.2024
    bis zum 13.02.2025
    in 30.41 Chemie-Hörsaal Nr. 1 (HS1)
    30.41 Chemie-Flachbau (EG)
  • Lecturer: Dr.-Ing. Manfred Nolle
  • SWS: 2
  • Lv-no.: 2311641
  • Information: Präsenz/Online gemischt

Donnerstags von 14:00 bis 17:15 Uhr an den Tagen 24.10., 31.10., 21.11., 28.11., 05.12., 12.12, 19.12.2024, 09.01., 16.01., 23.01., 30.01., 06.02., 13.02.2025


Please refer to the respective ILIAS course for the specific dates.

Project management in the development of products for safety-critical applications

Note: a calculator can be used for the exam


Basic knowledge of hardware and software design.


The lecture imparts basic knowledge on the management of projects of different characteristics for engineers. In order to make the explanations more concrete and descriptive, the focus is on the development of electronic products, extended by aspects that have to be considered especially in the area of safety-critical applications. As participants, you will thus acquire basic competencies for management and leadership tasks.
With the lecture you will simultaneously acquire the basic knowledge required for obtaining the "Basic Certificate in Project Management (GPM)". At the end of the semester I will offer an exam for interested listeners to acquire this certificate. This exam will take place in addition to and independent of the lecture exam.

The so-called "digital transformation" that has been taking place for some years now. "Digital transformation", which has been taking place for several years, does not only mean profound technological changes, but also brings fundamental changes in the management and leadership of projects in this environment. Thus, the lecture deals with the so-called classical process models as well as with the agile ones, their applicability and the associated requirements for the leadership and thus for the project management.

To the contents (excerpt):

  • Quality management
  • Process models such as V-model, phase model, Scrum, Kanban etc.
  • Organization / Planning / Control
  • Team building / leadership / communication (also in intercultural teams)
  • Requirements, change and configuration management
  • Risk (& opportunity) management
  • Stakeholder management


The examination is held as a written exam.