Participation in the Research Project Convide

Participation in the Research Project Convide

CovideLogo convide


In the innovative research area (Sonderforschungsbereich/ SFB) "Convide - Consistency in the View-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems" at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), we are immersing ourselves in the fascinating world of modern cyber-physical systems (CPS), from networked medical devices to automated vehicles. Convide's mission is to develop fundamental new methods and processes to keep these systems consistent at all times. Over the next 12 years, professors, doctoral candidates and students at four universities will be working intensively on this cutting-edge research project.

Together with institutes of computer science and mechanical engineering, an interdisciplinary research platform will be developed. As a central component of the collaborative research project, this platform will enable both the development and testing of methods and processes and is therefore crucial to the success of the CRC.
More information on the SFB Convide:


The tasks include the modeling and further development of the research platform used. In addition, further tasks in the context of the CRC can be defined together depending on inclinations and level of knowledge.


  • High self-motivation, independent and solution-oriented way of working
  • Programming skills in C++ or Pyhton
  • Experience with Matlab and Simulink