Online initial parameterization of a battery model at Daimler Buses

Online initial parameterization of a battery model at Daimler Buses

Daimler Buses.

Batteries are an important element for the implementation of alternative drive systems. Models help to emulate the battery behavior and thus supplement resource-intensive tests, so that a wider range of scenarios can be covered for investigation purpose.

The initial model parameterization is crucial for the quality of the results. Especially in the environment of changing battery technologies, the determination of model parameters from online collected operational data contributes to the efficiency of the development.


The aim of the thesis is the online parameterization of an electric battery model (equivalent circuit model) based on fleet data at Daimler Buses. This includes the selection of suitable methods, the preparation and filtering of the data, and the evaluation of the model quality using suitable metrics.


  • Very good knowledge of batteries
  • Very good programming skills
  • Business fluent in German and English
  • Independent way of working
  • Team and contact skills
  • Conscientiousness and a confident appearance