M. Eng. Tobias Rösch
- Examination: 03.09.2024
- Optimization of the heat supply in thermal management systems of electric city buses
- Group: Prof. Sax
- tobias roesch ∂ partner kit edu
Corrector: Univ.-Prof. DI Dr. Alois Zoitl (Johannes Kepler Universität Linz)
Summary of the dissertation
Optimization of the heat supply in thermal management systems of electric city buses
The dissertation was written in collaboration with Daimler Buses and deals with the selection and control of heat sources in thermal management systems of electric city buses. The aim was to use model-predictive control to reduce energy consumption in the provision of heat and at the same time ensure the thermal comfort of passengers. This optimization contributes to increasing the range and thus to the economic usability of electric buses in public transport.