Call for Technical Partner Sponsorship




The annual conference on Power and Timing Optimization and Simulation (PATMOS) Conference on is the main forum for the presentation of new research results in the field of power efficiency in computing and ICT infrastructures. In 2013, the 23rd conference (PATMOS 2013) will be held at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) in Karlsruhe, Germany, September 9 - 11, 2013 (first deadline for submissions is April 29, 2013)

Since 1991 PATMOS has established itself as the leading annual event and has successfully brought together leading researchers and developers of industry and academia from Europe and from across the world. The conference focuses on established methodologies and on emerging problems in the field of obtaining highest performance at lowest possible energy consumption.

PATMOS 2013 will feature a high quality program including long and short papers, posters, as well as keynotes panels and special sessions. Attendees at 2013 will be exposed to results and experiences from the latest research and be able to network with the leading researchers and practitioners in the field of power-efficient high performance computing and ICT issues.


Why PATMOS is important? Until 2030 the electricity consumption of computers, the internet and other ICT infrastructures has been predicted to increase by a factor of 30, if current trends continue. The coming shortage of energy resources like oil and gas will increase prices: until 2030 by a factor of 10? This would mean a total electricity cost increase by a factor of 300. This could have serious consequences on the overall affordability of computing and the internet. Power efficiency research results are by far not sufficient.

This is a survival issue of the world-wide computing and ICT infrastructures. Why PATMOS is important? Also see


For this reason it is the goal of PATMOS to bring together experts from all relevant areas in industry and academia to discuss, how these "current trends" can be mastered by extending power efficiency efforts far beyond chip level. We are forced to introduce "connected thinking" by including and interconnecting all abstraction levels and paradigm domains. We must consider heterogeneous computing systems (instruction streams cooperating with data streams), as well as power efficiency aspects in software engineering, compilers, run time systems, in several application-specific domains, and much more.

For more information like the detailed presentation of the scope of expected submissions see the conference Web site or the flyer in pdf format: CFP_PATMOS2013_V8.pdf



Call for Technical Partner Sponsorship

PATMOS 2013 also offers a variety of opportunities to introduce the members of your organization into this emerging important new R&D landscape. We also need the help of your organization to gain the visibility needed to early enough successfully restructure this research landscape as a survival issue of our ICT infrastructures, also by the success of the PATMOS conference. Please, contact the general co-chairs at becker∂ and reiner∂