Design of web-based memory management for DAQ systems in the context of 6G mobile radio development.

Design of web-based memory management for DAQ systems in the context of 6G mobile radio development.

6G Hub


As a project partner of the Open6GHub, ITIV has been commissioned with various topics related to the development of the mobile communications standard of the future. Part of the research contract is the development of a DAQ system (Data Acquisition Systems) for recording antenna measurement data.
The antenna measurement data is collected by means of an RFSoC and transmitted to the DAQ system via Ethernet (400Gbit/s) and recorded.


The DAQ system, consisting of four servers and one RFSoC, is to be extended in the context of this work by a web interface for the control of the different measurement modes. After the measurement data has been transmitted to the DAQ system, additional data post-processing in software is necessary to extract the user data from the received Ethernet frames.


  • Programming experience in C, C++, JavaScript, HTML and CSS is an advantage.
  • Motivation and interest in solving technical problems independently.